
We are constantly recruiting new employees and need people with all kinds of different educational levels within the shipping industry. We are always interested in hearing from applicants interested in a career within BBC Chartering. You can either apply in writing in response to a job advertisement or send an unsolicited application.
Please note that BBC Chartering is not crewing the ships. For jobs on board the vessels managed by Briese Schiffahrt, please scroll down to "Seafaring positions".

  • Denmark
  • Dubai
  • Germany
  • South America
  • United States


  • Currently no jobs in Denmark


  • Currently no jobs in Dubai

South America

  • Currently no jobs in South America

United States

The office of BBC Chartering USA is located in Houston, Texas.

  • Currently no jobs in United States


BBC Chartering offers a 3 year trainee programme in our offices in Leer and Bremen. Our trainees get involved with chartering, sales, operations, documentation and finance.

The apprenticeship follows the renowned German dual system and combines practical and theoretical education with broad international exposure.

Vast career opportunities are waiting for the successful, talented and hard-working candidates in countries all over the world.

We are currently recruiting trainees for our global headquarter in Leer and our office in Bremen to commence their training program in August 2023 and 2024.

Current Training programs

  • Schifffahrtskaufmann/-frau

    Leer or Bremen, Germany 01.August 2024
    Apply online
  • Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration

    Leer, Germany 01.August 2024
    Apply online

Practical training

Our practical training program for university and high school students offers a look inside the world of shipping. The work is challenging and rewarding. You will work hard, and you will learn much. But most of all you will come away with valuable experience and a perspective on the shipping industry that you can get no other way.

  • If you are a university student in shipping-related studies seeking a job for your practical semester, we offer positions in our chartering, operations and financial departments. Your application should answer the following questions:

    • In which department would you most like to work (chartering, operations, financial)?

    • When does your practical training semester begin, and how many months will it last? (Positions in chartering or operations can not be less than 5 months long, positions in financial not less than 3 months)

    • What are your subjects at university?

    • Do you have any specialized knowledge or skills?

    Please send your application 3 months prior to the intended start of your practical training semester.

Online Application

About you

Your application

Seafaring positions

If you are interested in applying for a position as seafarer onboard a BBC Chartering operated vessel, please contact one of our crewing partners mentioned below.

We hope to see you soon on board a BBC Chartering vessel!