Liner Schedules
Many of our project shippers require a regular frequency of sailings in order to meet deadlines on delivery schedules. We offer a number of liner services, giving our customers a competitive advantage for keeping projects on schedule. Other load/discharge ports on inducement basis - all data given agw/wp/fme/wog. Rotation is subject to change in carrier's option at any time
Details and Contact
The westbound services efficiently handle the transportation of project and heavy lift cargo with regularity, utilizing our multipurpose heavy lift fleet. The BBC Americana Line European Service offers sailings from the port of Hamburg, Aberdeen, Antwerp and Bilbao to the East Coast of South America. The Service operates with monthly frequency and is calling ports en route on inducement basis.
BBC Chartering, Leer
Phone: +49 491 925 20 90Email: leer@bbc-chartering.comBBC Chartering USA, LLC
Phone: +1 713 668 4020Email: houston@bbc-liner.comBBC Chartering Belgium N.V.
Phone: +32 476 467063Email: antwerp@bbc-chartering.comLiner / Booking Agents
Lueddeke Reedereiagentur, Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 317 858 0Email: liner@reedereiagentur.deLiner / Booking Agents
Marmedsa Noatum Shipping Agency
Phone: +34 94 410 4000Email: -
Details and Contact
The westbound services efficiently handle the transportation of project and heavy lift cargo with regularity, utilizing our multipurpose heavy lift fleet. The BBC Andino Express Line European Service offers sailings from the port of Hamburg, Aberdeen, Antwerp and Bilbao to the West Coast of South America. The Service operates with monthly frequency and is calling ports en route on inducement basis.
BBC Chartering, Leer
Phone: +49 491 925 20 90Email: leer@bbc-chartering.comBBC Chartering USA, LLC
Phone: +1 713 668 4020Email: houston@bbc-liner.comBBC Chartering Belgium N.V.
Phone: +32 476 467063Email: antwerp@bbc-chartering.comLiner / Booking Agents
Lueddeke Reedereiagentur, Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 317 858 0Email: liner@reedereiagentur.deLiner / Booking Agents
Marmedsa Noatum Shipping Agency
Phone: +34 94 410 4000Email: -
Details and Contact
The BBC Americana Line was launched in September 2005 to meet the increasing demand for transporting general, breakbulk and project cargo to the East Coast of South America. This service offers a monthly sailing with vessels calling Brazil and Argentina, loading primarily out of Houston. Other U.S. Gulf Coast load ports along with East Coast South American discharge ports are called on inducement basis. The service operates roundtrip with dedicated vessels ranging in size from 6,000 dwat to 17,000 dwat and with lifting capabilities of up to 240 mts.
Coordinating Offices
BBC Chartering USA, LLC
Phone: +1 713 668 4020Email: chartering.houston@bbc-chartering.comCommercial Offices
BBC do Brasil
Phone + 55 21 3350 4451
rio@bbc-chartering.comCoordinating Offices
BBC South America
Phone: +55 11 5542 7446Email: sao.paulo@bbc-chartering.comCommercial Offices
BBC Argentina
Phone +54 11 4331 4643
buenos.aires@bbc-chartering.comPort Agents
Manchester Terminal
Traffic Manager: Gail RomeroPhone: +1 713 926 6682Email: gailr@gulfstrammarine.com10,000 Manchester Ave
Houston, TX 77012 USAGeneral Superintendent:
Micht Heiserman
Phone +1 713 926 7611
mitchh@gulfstreammarine.comPort Agents
River Polate to Southern Argentina
Agencia Maritima Robinson
25 de Mayo 277 8th Floor
C1002 Buenos Aires, Cpt. Federalpic: Fernando Llobet
Phone +54 11 4331 1482
Mobile +54 11 4993 8647
Fax +54 11 4334 0109Port Agents
PIC: MR MANOEL GONÇALVES.Phone: +55 13 3285-5430ANACOSTA, 471 – 7º FLOOR – ROOM 701/705
11060-003 – GONZAGA – SANTOS / SP – BRAZIL
Port Agents
Transregional Shipping Agency
Giannis KelepourisPhone: +55 27 2126 6161Mobile: +55 27 9961 4388Ed. Trade Center
Sala 1218-1220
29014 900 Vitoria - ESPort Agents
Rio de Janeiro
MR ALEX ANTUNESPhone: +55 21 2233-1900RIO BRANCO, 37 CJ 1507
20090-003 – CENTRO – RIO DE JANEIRO / RJ – BRAZILPort Agents
Harms Cia Ltda.
Oswaldo Soares PfluegerPhone: +55 98 3216 0308Mobile: +55 98 8121 1853Pca Goncalves Dias 301
Sao Luis - MA - 65020-240Port Agents
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande, Itajai
Agencia Maritima Orion Ltda.
Joao Carlos CabralPhone: +55 51 3511 5100Mobile: +55 51 9961 8603Av. Benjamin Constant 1258
Cf. 101
90.550-001 Porto Alegre - RSVoyage AL0725 Week 13HOUSTONCut-Off 28 Mar 2025POINT LISASETA 14 Apr 2025GEORGETOWN (GUY)ETA 17 Apr 2025RIO DE JANEIROETA 1 May 2025Voyage AL0825 Week 15HOUSTONCut-Off 11 Apr 2025POINT LISASETA 25 Apr 2025GEORGETOWN (GUY)ETA 28 Apr 2025RIO DE JANEIROETA 12 May 2025Voyage AL0925 Week 17HOUSTONCut-Off 25 Apr 2025POINT LISASETA 9 May 2025GEORGETOWN (GUY)ETA 12 May 2025RIO DE JANEIROETA 28 May 2025 -
Details and Contact
The Andino Service Line was launched in April 2005 to accommodate the increasing demand for transporting breakbulk, heavy lift and project cargo to the West Coast of South America. The service operates roundtrip from the US Gulf to Ecuador, Peru and Chile every 14 days and plays a major role in the development of the construction and mining industries. The dedicated vessels range in size from 10,000 dwat to 17,000 dwat, and with lifting capabilities of up to 240 mts, call at base ports and most other ports on inducement basis.
Pricing & Booking
BBC Chartering USA, LLC
+1 713 668 4020Email: houston@bbc-liner.comPricing & Booking
Chile, Peru, Bolivia
BBC Andino
+56 2 2847 3900Email: santiago@bbc-chartering.comDelivery & Operations
Manchester Terminal
10,000 Manchester Ave
Houston, TX 77012
Phone +1 713 926 6682Delivery & Operations
Chile, Bolivia
Ian Taylor y Cia. S.A.
Blanco 937, 6th Floor
Valparaiso, Chilepic: Luis Saldivia
Phone +56 32 226 1000 ext. 1027
Mobile +56 99 079 2801
Fax +56 32 226 1100
Delivery & Operations
BBC Ecuador Andino C. Ltd.
Tulcan 809 y Hurtado
Edifico San Luis, 3rd Floor, Suite 6
Guayaquil P.O. Box 3338, Ecuadorpic: Federico Ferber
Phone +593 4 236 5585
Mobile +593 9 925 4000
Fax +593 4 604 1898
Federico.Ferber at bbc-chartering.comDelivery & Operations
Serpac Agencias
Av. Del Pinar 152 Of. 901
Lima 33, Perupic: Edmundo Guzmán
Phone +51 1 619 8222
Mobile +51 99793 2303
Fax +51 1 372 3848 0625 Week 14HOUSTONCut-Off 3 Apr 2025ETS 6 Apr 2025GUAYAQUILETA 18 Apr 2025CALLAO / PISCOETA 21 Apr 2025PUERTO ANGAMOS / ANTOFAGASTAETA 24 Apr 2025SAN ANTONIO / VALPARAISOETA 28 Apr 2025Voyage 0725 Week 16HOUSTONCut-Off 17 Apr 2025ETS 20 Apr 2025GUAYAQUILETA 2 May 2025CALLAO / PISCOETA 5 May 2025MATARANIETA 7 May 2025PUERTO ANGAMOS / ANTOFAGASTAETA 10 May 2025SAN ANTONIO / ValparaisoETA 14 May 2025Voyage 0825 Week 18HOUSTONCut-Off 1 May 2025ETS 4 May 2025GUAYAQUILETA 16 May 2025CALLAO / PISCOETA 19 May 2025MATARANIETA 21 May 2025PUERTO ANGAMOS / ANTOFAGASTAETA 24 May 2025